Monday, October 22, 2012

My Two Wheeler

"Something inside me bothers me so much every day..

I just want to ask it.. why it does this to me all day..

I have so much to do and yet this thing keeps pulling me..

One fine day.. I grabbed a torch to check what this is..

I understood , this way I will never find who it is..

I was as scared as a child in dark

Closed my eyes and yelled back..

It just calmly said ..IT is You speaking to you..

Freedom is all my spirit needed… is the only song.. you knew

Love is the only need.. I have .. you said all your life…and nothing new

Now you see at everyone and think .. are you like me..?

If not why do you bother so much and spoil the fun

Its someone else like you trying to be themselves..

You don’t love them, yet follow their line…

When all you have to do is..

Love them and follow your heart..

Order for a life is to make it happy

If life itself is squeezed out of it..

Then you better give a damn about it..

You wanna be.. Girlishly stylish…

And wanna be Boyishly Stubborn

You wanna be womanishly Careful

And also wanna be Manishly Gutsy..

Whenever someone says… you are a Tomboy.. one part of you screams with agony..

And if some one says you are entirely a girl.. another part cries with anguish…

All you wanna tell this world is to yell on top of a mountain… that IT’s ME nothing else….

And yet you never took time to listen to me.. and now as you have done it..

Ride on… Ride on your two wheeler of freedom and love…
