You might be wondering what this article may be about. I therefore want to let you know it’s just about our commonsense and our intelligence.
Our ancestors as nomads and dwellers might have been worried about their basic needs food, shelter and cloths all through their lives. We have evolved as a race, so did our brains, now we are busy in building communities, religions , establishing diplomatic relations with others and above all in trying to prove ourselves more worthier than our neighbors.
I know people who state “ My ego will be hurt if I say he is superior to me, I know it but I won’t state it aloud”. I know people who prejudice others even before asking questions about them. Being practical in estimating people is the best approach, but being practical in every sense may not work with humans all the times, at least in my opinion.
One of my friends is a passionate techie. I was fascinated to that person’s knowledge because of his ideological ways he tries to bring peace to his friends and to himself. Be a diplomat, but the pass the message was his motto, as far as I understood him. Technology on its best side will bring lot of luxuries to people. I accept this fact and respect it. The darker side of technology is, regardless of its greatness and luxury providing capacity it can never buy you peace. I may sound little old and orthodox with that statement, but fine I would like to stand by truth how harsh and indigestible it may be.
I used to think why we should have wars?, why should people fight among each other?, why cannot peace be the mantra of every nation and community? When discussed with some friends they told me even those questions haunted them. One of them stated a certain idea being a techie this person sounded preposterous to me sometimes, but fascinating sometimes.
The idea is to create an artificially intelligent robot for every two persons in this entire world, which will track the brain waves of those two persons and if any sort of war or kind of hatred is generated inside them, the robot will soon be there in preventing them from being destructive with each other. Another idea for eliminating hatred and establishing world peace is the raise of a common evil to fight which, all the nations and people will unite themselves. That evil should be strongest, sharpest, superlative and omnipresent. That person might be referring to GOD with a little technical touch.
Even I used to question myself, if there is GOD why do these massacres such as 1984 anti-Sikh riots will take place? If GOD is there why did the “Direct Action Day” take place? If GOD is really there why do people who worship him are not blessed with most of the wishes they ask for? Finally, after suffering much with these questions, I thought may be my answer lies with in me. My common sense. I may not outsmart people around me to plot or plan things such that situations turn into my favor. But I definitely know that inculcating trust, love and brotherhood into my neighbor’s heart is far better than me to plan an artificially intelligent machine to surpass my natural stupidity. It is better for me to take responsibility for my actions instead of justifying them than to pray for a stronger enemy to protect the world peace. We already are building higher walls between ourselves with our insurmountable egos, so let us not hope for a new machine to physically represent the barriers between us.
P.S: This is to reflect my thoughts against few topics, no offense intended.